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Hey Erbody!

Here is the divine Alison Brie again being slurped down by Edgar. Someone in the last picture's comments mentioned they would want to see more internal shots. I thought about it for a bit and realized "why not?" haha so I'm probably going to have a lot more of her inside him continuing to talk. 

But I'm trying to decide if on the graphic details. Would you all want to see her die in the stomach? I've been wanting to play around with digestion a bit so I'm wondering if this is the one to do it on. 

Let me know what you think :)




Dang he was eating her now he roasting her


I personally do not enjoy watching the actual digestio. process as I'm squeamish as hell. It's a huge turn off for me. Just throwing my two cents out. Great picture however.


I'm not big on super guro stuff, but implied digestion could be nice (like the stomach chamber fills with fluids and submerges her)


I think I might do the implied then! Maybe a silhouete in the goo just sort of breaking down. No blood or graphic detail


I'll second that about implied, not explicit.


I think that's the consensus, and I'll stick to it :) Thanks for the feedback :D !!


More of a double D celebrity would have been a good cheesy burn lol. I like the belly filling with green goo as she kind of gives in. holding her face above the goo as her tits float up touching her chin. That's the picture in my head. I always like when they burp up the clothing after as it is all that is left. The silhouete in his belly as those panties fly out is a great idea.


Fucking love this set soooo much!!!!!!!


Mmmmm those all sound wonderful :D Expect more than a few of those suggestions to be in the final :)


Most excellent throat bulge and lovely swallowing! I have to ask though. Why haven't you done the roach swallowing damsels before? Mayhaps a future idea of the roach eating multiple ladies to bulge out his stomach like a one shot image or two part image? Also yes to the digestion~


Fantastic so far! I am all for watching her die in the stomach, and I would love to see a non-gory digestion scene


I'd like to see digestion. Maybe slow submergence followed by a "drowning/melting" digestion under the acids


Definitely would love a slow facial submergence, or a stomach close-up...slowly squeeeeeeeze shut around their bodies until they disappear inside and are digested out of sight ;) Though I'd save that for Alice Eve if you ever do her.


Hey thanks so much! And yea, the main reason I haven't done him as a predator yet is because he's actually really complicated to draw. It's so hard to get him to look right.


There will be a submergence and like a rapid melt I think. No graphic stuff though because it seems to be the consensus.


Digestion is very fun. I wouldn't mind seeing how you do it.


I'm about digestion, and more of that good dialogue this is honestly just great to read that you are up for it


I love internal shots! Seeing the girls getting cozy inside a tight stomach is such a thrill! With that being said, I do NOT like digestion scenes. Clothes melting is fun and sexy, but I don't like seeing women get hurt, let alone dying.


I enjoy digestion personally, but only seen from the outside. For example, I get turned off when I see someone like Nyte show the actual degradation of the skin and body in the acid of the stomach. On the other hand, I love it when I see someone like Natsumetalsonic show the belly go from lumpy to smooth. Another great example is Lampton's work. On that note, I also personally love it when the prey is taunted during digestion.


I have always agreed that seeing the details of the graphic bloody mess makes it go from fantasy to nauseous pretty quick. I won't be doing too many that show the graphic details but I think I will still make attempts to find a tasteful middle ground that shows that a process is happening in the stomach