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I feel like I have to apologize to anyone who is still watching my DeviantArt channel. I know most of you on here are from there so I just have to say this lol. 

I have absolutely no idea how to use it anymore. I can't figure out how to publish another status update or journal anymore. I don't know how to see the full view count for each picture anymore. I am completely lost on where buttons are and how to keep up with messages anymore. 




You and me both, brother (and judging by the comments on the official DA update post, pretty much every other user on the site xD)


Welcome to the club xD


Ugh, I hate the new design. As far as I can tell, most of the functionality is still intact, it’s all just harder to find. :/ But you can still post, you just gotta go to the “Posts” tab on your home page and dig around for the feature that lets you make a new post.


It feels very disjointed; I wish they could have just smoothed out the programming for the original layout instead of giving us an entirely new one. I do like how notifications are less likely to glitch out, but messaging is a bit awkward.


Me: oh they changed. I'll have to che- WHY THO!? WHY DO THIS!?


Yeah, they’ve royally fucked up the site at this point. Unless they do a patch to remedy that shit anytime in the near future, I’m definitely thinking about bailing on that hot mess.


I totally agree. I hadn't used it in a while and went to it a few months ago and couldn't figure out how to see the galleries of people I was following. It is literally that bad. I couldn't even figure out who I was following.


Yeah, I'm a user experience designer, and design websites and software for a living, and I can't even understand how they came up with their Information Architecture and design choice, I doubt they did any user testing either!


I used to be able to group renders together to make a story line with some persuet to finish. I can't seem to be able too anymore.


I've been unable to interact with my watch-list for several days now. I can view the new art, but I can't delete/fave it or even zoom in on it. The whole site also performs much worse now to boot.