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Alrighty! I feel good about this one! I was kinda scared about drawing Edgar because of how complex he is bit I think I did good for this one. I have my method down for this set so I think the rest will be just as good (fingers crossed). 

The funny thing about art is that even if you have done good work before it doesn't guarantee the next piece will be just as good. The key is to get a system down and try to repeat the process. It's like bowling. A strike doesn't guarantee the next one won't be a gutter ball. What does is putting your feet in the same place and approaching the same way. 

What do you all think? Like always I crave your feedback! Stay tuned for more soon :D




Amazing as always :)


against female actors??? Its your fault for being tasty


Perfection!!! Loving this set more and more! Can’t wait to see the next ones!


Incredible work! Really love this series! She looks super hot in this piece! Also like the mention of Jenna's consumption being seen by everybody - oof!


She is going to look so delicious sliding down his throat~


She looks great. Love her wide hip sticking out, looks very meaty. The slobber running toward her tasty cleavage is a great touch. I feel like he is going to slurp her in like a sexy noddle. Those sexy legs will look great kicking and then dangling limp.