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I had a recent inspiration to revisit an old comic I did that many of you might remember. It's just a one off test that might become a series of one offs. Now I normally don't do "Hard Vore" obviously, but I have kind of been enjoying playing with implied hardvore. Nothing extremely graphic but more cartoonish. 

Some of those 50 year old old cartoon shows and some even before that always interested me when I saw a satisfied wolf or cat licking a cartoon bone clean. It was always extremely satisfying to see the predator so happy after finally getting the "carrot" at the end of the stick. 

Let me know what you think! It's more morbid than usual so I'd love your opinions! :D




Oooo I love this


I remember this one, wasn't he going to go for the mother next? :P I think its really good, something different for sure.


In my opinion I think it would be better if there wasn't sinew, just the bone. Then again I am also squeamish as fuck. But yeah the more it is just bone the better.


I guess from the framing it did look like the mother was next. But originally it was just meant to show that the Mom wasn't going to find her.


I will take that into consideration! I am also on the fence about blood too. I obviously chose for there to be none this time. You wouldn't believe it based on THIS post but I too am squeamish hah. I have another graphic one that shows just a girl's leg being munched on like a chicken wing. So we will see...


Im already hyped for a new monster to enter the battle. Just hoping nothing too hardcore vore.


I don’t mind content like this but I’m more a fan of the soft Vore content with sexy girls eaten whole. I guess you could say I enjoy a girl with plenty of meat on her bones in all the right places! The image on the card looks great!


I absolutely love this and would love to see more like it! Not sure if I saw the original comic you are referring to, will have to look out for that one! Edit: Ah yes, found the original Fortune Teller series in my archives. Forgot how good that one is!


I loved the original comic and definitely like stuff like this. I would continue these.


Yea I don't think I'm going extreme. I'm trying to find a style of it that's still cartoonish enough to not be gruesome or nauseous.


Yea I agree about the soft vore. I obviously still love it more. I'm just trying to find a way of doing hardvore that isn't too gruesome.


I'm going to be frank; I'm glad you posted a censored version because I honestly don't even want to look at anything resembling hard vore. I would hate to see more hard material in your work. It's just a matter of personal taste


I'm going to still keep playing around with the execution of it. If I can find a playfully cartoonish style instead of something that is gruesome than I'll run with it in a complete set.


I'm going to keep playing around with the style. But thank you very much! :D


A spider ;) hope there is some cocooning in the future ;)


Hey thanks for the honesty! Rest assured it's not ever going to "take over" or even come close. Right now it's more of an experiment to see if I can make a tolerable style of it.


Hmmm you know what I've never realized that people might actually want that from me :D I might do that now

Aidan Winner

Loved that pred and the original related comic- iffy on hard vore though, this seems like a good way to do it if any but it's usually not great, Excited for anything you put out regardless!


Thats crazy. You've got plenty if room to make it more rough.


The fortune teller set is still one of my favorite you’ve done and I’m glad to see him return. I do love seeing his jaws stuffed with titmeat. I imagine all the sloshing sounds going on. The bonus of cleaning the bone is great. I would love to see how we got to this point in great detail😉. You do you....I’m all for it👍🏻


That tit hanging out is 100% my fetish. The bone, not so much, but I support you experimenting with this until you find something that works for you.


I LOVE your implied hard vore stuff man!! Sooo amazing


Thanks for the feedback. Yea it's not going to be often, but I'm trying to figure out the tasteful way to do it. I'm glad you enjoy my stuff regardless! That's high praise :D


Haha well you technically know how it got to this point lol ;) I'm glad you support my style too. And I know that this was pretty much your favorite set haha. I'm always flattered that such an old comic still has such a high regard with you.


Hey thank you so much for the feedback! I'm curious, the tit hanging out is something you enjoy but not the bone. Does that mean you like the implication of hardvore without the particular gritty details? I'm really curious :)


Hey! Thank you! So glad to hear from you and I'm happy to have satisfied! Thanks for the feedback :D


I'm a fan of the girls-melted-into-pink-goo thing. I'm not entirely a fan of the boob hanging out of his mouth, but that's a style issue, mostly. I feel like it should be more squished, or not protruding as far. It looks slightly out of place


Hard to say. I only recently discovered I was into aspects of vore, so at this point it's probably a matter of exploration on my part.