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Incident Report #7C-2141

"Katie inserted her credit card into the machine. She had no way of knowing it, but this was a fatal error. The machine was busted and would never advance past the home screen. Also, the criminals in the area had long ago emptied the money from the machine. Katie was about to lose her ticket out of the area for good. 

Meanwhile it was clear that Largum was gawking at his soon to be dinner from only a few yards away. Upon review of this film, he seemed to be staring right at Katie's soft thighs and juicy nutritious butt. It had been a few months since Cadet Catherine had been lost. My extra thic Cadet must have been enough calories to keep him well fed for the entire time between events. However he seemed equally interested in Katie's exquisite figure. Even though she would be a lighter meal, the footage would prove no less interest from Largum.

Once it became clear to Katie that she would not be able to withdraw money or retrieve her credit card, she began to panic. Her gentle distressed voice drawing Largum in the way a thrashing fish draws a shark. He rubbed his hands together villainously and then outstretched to claim his new prey."




First her card gets eaten, and then SHE gets eaten? Can her night get any worse? xD


Katie looks so yummy

Martin Dan Rasmussen

I love Kelly and Largum. The way she describes and narrates his crimes and how he treats women as Meat, sexually and foodwise. Perfect mix


Great how at the moment the machine eating her card is all she cares about but in a few moments it will be the furthest thing from her mind and she has no clue.


Ohh Largum is the best!