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The space cadets are really falling short on enforcing the law. Aliens seem to be able to just park their ship on any old suburban roof and open the window for takeout! This yellow gastropod stopped in Pennsylvania to grab a bite to eat. When he looked in the window he saw a particularly curvaceous young girl under the covers. He slipped into Erika's room and had himself an extremely soft and chewy hispanic princess for dinner. 

Extremely satisfied, he picked up a pair of her booty shorts as a napkin, and also grabbed a picture of her off the shelf as a keepsake, and simply drove off back to his home. 




Dam alien out here getting take out lucky. Great work keep it up


You're such a tease lol. I love it ;)


Haha! I'm sorry I was working on this one way before our conversation lol. I just so happened to finish it now


Lol fair enough still love it


Are we still getting that tomb raider frog pic?


I love her resigned expression. Like she's thinking, "This is it for me. May as well just wait until it's all over."


Yes, It's part of a series, but seeing as it's not yet in line to be released before the current one I think I'll just out of order publish it :D It's too good not to haha


Best part, do to the specific items he took, clothes and a personal keepsake, anyone she may live with probably think she just up and left, completely unaware that a gastropod's throat and stomach muscles are currently groping every inch of her.


such a waste of a pair of legs. sure they would have put up quite a fight.


Snacking on a delicious looking lady, ah, what a lovely midnight snack!


Looks amazing!


The Commissioner of the Space Cadets has released a quote today regarding the opinion of them "falling short" on upholding the law. "We are dreadfully understaffed due to the fact that, somehow, we keep loosing new recruits. On an unrelated note, live bait is bound to work eventually. I'm positive."


Hahaha! Love the Unrelated note she says. Like a Loony Tunes frustration of catching the road runner, she just has all these traps involving her cadets that just all go wrong ;)


Great position. It’s like she woke up just before and couldn’t get away so she grabbed her legs and balled up to protect herself. Made herself like a big soft sexy pill to be easily swallowed whole.


Yes! She's like a balled up Multi-vitamin haha. One a day should keep you extremely healthy ;)


Oh yes, like one of those plump gel filled omega pills lol. Soft and juicy