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The snake, having successfully swallowed who young Jewish girl Arabella whole, now begins to settle into his home more comfortably in order to digest the succulent meat in peace. Arabella's panties now decorate the tower as so many other trophies from the previous girls do. It will be a few weeks before the snake needs to wake from its well earned slumber. During this time it will be safe for the tower to be visited by its owner. 




Well fitting ending. Loved this series :)


Such a great ending for our snake pal


Love the last panel. Seeing those curves laying down like that is just mmmph!


Will there be any more inside shots?


I am always such a sucker for looking at a woman in a snake. It just seems so perfect~

Martin Dan Rasmussen

Really good. I have hopes for who the owner is, nut will keep that to myself for now :) actually Three hopes to who the owner is :)


Loved this series! Definitely a top 10 in my book :) Hope you and your loved ones are doing well during this crazy time!


Hey! Thank you for the well wishes. We're all doing fine at the moment. But who knows where it's going lol.


She makes such a lovely bulge! I do wonder who the owner is; would it be someone you've shown in your comics before, or a new character?


I hear ya man. Just gotta stay safe, stay clean (wash those hands, tentacles, claws, etc. ;) ) and of course stay healthy for both yourself and others around you.