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The galaxy is in chaos. War has broken out between the Outer Rim and the Galactic Republic. Jabba the Hutt has successfully eaten three princesses of the Republic and fed a fourth to his great abomination on universal broadcast.

Princess Tamara Weldow’s fate and the fate of the other three princesses has sparked this incredible conflict between the two opposing space factions. The mother of Tamara and Queen of Alderaan is Ara Weldow. She specifically called out by Jabba during the broadcast to mediate terms of surrender.

These terms were not just unachievable, but also meant to disrespect and slight the leader of the greatest planet in the Republic. Along with surrendering 40% of the Republic territories, Queen Ara was asked to be the first “offering” to Jabba as a slave. 

Once the dust of the princess buffet had settled and Queen Ara’s mourning ended, she refused the terms and offered Jabba war as the first planet to mobilize an Army.

Queen Ara sent her generals and 80% of her strength to engage Jabba’s renegade army that was besieging Bespin, in hopes to free the Republic’s most critical planet for supply of fuel and energy. Meanwhile she prepared her people and planet for any possible retaliation from the Federation.

Queen Ara, now with only one living heir, took steps to protect her daughter Melion Weldow from the reach of Jabba’s forces. The Queen requested a Jedi Knight be sent to Alderaan to be at Melion’s side at all times. She also refused to let Melion leave the planet, and told her Jedi protector not to let her sneak away like her older sister Tamara had done. 

As the forces of Alderaan reached Bespin, the battle of Cloud City began. Queen Ara had assembled her remaining military leadership into the palace to discuss the defense of Alderaan. But she could not have anticipated, what would happen next.

The Capture of Queen Ara 

Melion and Jedi Stella stood before Queen Ara before the doors of the council chamber. Senators and Major Generals were still filing in behind the Queen and taking their seats.

Queen Ara: Melion you keep asking me but I keep having to refuse you. You are not going to be part of this war in any way. You must learn your new place as Queen in training. 

Melion: I can be a Queen in training and a captain in the Vanguard too! You can’t keep telling me to do nothing! I’m not going to let everyone else avenge Tamara as I just..

Queen Ara: Do not use her as a card to play in your argument! You will do as I say. There is no other choice for you. This planet will need a Queen in the years to come, not just another reckless captain. 

Melion: They have you. They’ll have you for years and years to come. There’s no reason why I can’t help our people in this struggle. There’s no reason why I can’t lead our fighters in our revenge!

Queen Ara: There is Melion, there is…

Melion: What? What do you mean?

The council chambers have filled up. The ranking General beckons Queen Ara in to begin the session.

Queen Ara: You will know the reason when you are older. Remember always what I taught you. The queen is the most important piece on the board. She may strike where she wills so long as she is safe. And you, Melion, you must stay safe.

Melion: Mama but..

Queen Ara: No buts,..now hurry along. I must attend to the council. Stay with her Stella.

Jedi Stella: As always your Grace. Being with her is my objective. 

The council doors close and the two girls make their way to the other side of the Palace. Melion paces back and forth in the garden as Stella sits silently. The sun is setting as Melion begins to ramble.

Melion: My mother doesn’t understand! I have a lot to offer the task force. Am I as good a fighter as Tamara? No but,..she was my sister and what Jabba did to her…I can’t just let that…Ahhh!!

Jedi Stella: You have incredible anger inside you Melion. It will not bring you anything you desire. Your mother is right, you must be patient. Retribution in this case is in line with justice, but the justice will be carried out by those who are best suited for it.

Melion: What do you mean?

Jedi Stella: What I mean is you’re a hot slice of ass. Not a warrior.

Melion: Oh! You bitchy little…

Melion jumps on Stella in a playful lunge. They both roll in the flowers and laugh as they try to get on top of each other. Melion mounts Stella and pins her wrists to the ground.

Melion: Not a warior huh?

Stella flips her over onto her back and mounts Melion in response. She grabs Melions wrists and pushes them against the ground high above her head as she leans in.

Stella: Not even close!

The two girls kiss each other deep and sensually in the privacy of the garden. The two have developed a close relationship far beyond that of VIP and Bodyguard. Their sexual attraction to each other has been the only thing to keep up Melion’s spirit in the wake of her sister’s brutal murder. Stella, wanting to protect both Melion’s body and spirit, always showers her with love and deep affection. 

Stella too had lost her old Master to the incident at Jabba’s Palace. And although her duty as a Jedi would never let her deviate from her primary mission of Protection, she also longed to avenge her fallen master in the war. 

Hours went by as they played with each other in comfort and tranquility. Meanwhile Queen Ara was at the end of her talks with her councilors. Everything was quiet when all of a sudden Stella paused. She sensed a disturbance in the force.

Melion was asking her what was the matter when all of a sudden she saw it. A massive ship the size of the palace appeared like a ghost. It was a republic stealth cruiser. Melion recognized the ship but knew something was wrong. Then it happened.

A massive boom deafened the girls as the ship fired on the council chamber. A smaller landing vehicle soon left the cruiser and entered the fresh hole in the chamber.

The cruiser landed amongst the ruble and dropped it’s hatch. Out came Sith Lord Iris Voo, saber ignited. She cut down the few guards still unharmed by the explosion. The majority of the councilors had perished in the blast as well. All except for Queen Ara and her personal handmaiden.

Iris walked towards the Queen. Her handmaiden stepped between Iris and the Queen for an instant but was soon lifted up by Iris’s force powers. Iris choked the handmaiden to death and flung towards her ship, where her pet Cerilian Slurper caught her out of the air and began to swallow her whole. 

The sounds of the handmaiden being consumed echoed through the empty chamber as Iris reached the Queen.

Iris: Queen Ara, you have terms you have failed to uphold to the Federation. I’ve been sent here to make sure you follow through. Jabba is so impatient as you might know.

Iris grabs a handul of Queen Ara’s ass and breast.

Iris: Mmmm oh yes, now I see where Tamara got that body of hers from. Ooo she was such a delicious little slice of ass. But you are definitely the cake she was cut from. 

She force persuades Ara unconscious and carries her back to her ship. Ricthar having just finished the last bite of the handmaiden, tries to pull the queen from Iris as his next meal. Iris lightly singes him with her lightsaber as she walks by.

Iris: No Ricthar, this is Momma’s prize. 

Iris lays the queen in a cryo tube. She then looks back at the chamber and lifts up two beautiful dead girls from the rubble and brings them to the ship. She says, “Here you go sweetie, this should hold you off until Bespin” as she lays them on the ramp. Ricthar starts working on one of the girls as the doors close.

The ship takes off back to the cruiser and soon enters the bay doors. Just as quickly as the stealth cruiser appeared, it vanishes. Melion and Stella come running into the council chamber. All of the leadership that was left in the city had been killed, and the Queen was no where to be seen.


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