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Yay! First one in the books! :D Jenna Fischer has been swallowed whole and is now inside Beast Boy's thankful stomach. He's got a taste for the finer things in life now and will definitely not be going back to pizza. 

Next girl as voted for is Haley Atwell!! Going to be slurped up by beast boy as a squid! First one will be coming soon. Plus this month I have a christmas present that I'm working on for all of you! Fingers crossed that I get it done in time :D Stay tuned everyone! 




Simply incredible series! Love that you included the "pam pams" line lol! I wonder what'll happen to Jenna once he changes back ;)


She doesnt know yet the enitre world does. Great work man keep it up


Great set!!! Can’t wait to see Hayley next plus the rest of the series!!


Hot damn... that internal :P


A most lovely finish for the lovely girl! Looking forward to the next ones as always~


Haha I loved your comments so much I had to include the line lol. And When Beast Boy changes back Jenna gets sent somewhere else ;)


Thank you so much :D I think the next ones will be good too, I'm just as excited!


So what’s going to happen to Pam? Is she going to be digested Orr?


Love those drumstick legs and those pam Pams. Delicious