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I'm uploading Cammy today! I spent extra time on model B (back view, second pic.) 👀👀 sleepless nights 🥲

Some behind-the-scenes information:

AI-tsunami makes it quite difficult to exist with my format. Pixiv is giving fewer views, and the wave of AI pictures is simply washing away small and mid-size artists. So I have to take action: need to produce more artwork and post more often (...and don't be late on deadlines🥲... ) It also forces me to evolve my art style to avoid looking like AI.

So many things... how do I accomplish them?

Keep changing the format. This month, there will be one experimental set and one standard (poll at the end of this week).

The experimental set will be more like a few-page animated hentai manga with slight changes in the art style. I'll try to mix something between my currient style, manga and comics style.

Btw, I'm resuming the production of games after a short pause(jan-march). Game development will go parallel to the main Patreon activity. But first, I have to develop my OCs 👀 I'll show you all the concepts when I'm ready (this month probably).

Also, I still need to finish patch 1.1 for "Ryuko H-Game"...

That's a lot of work! But I can handle all of this with your moral support! 





I love you, definitely my favorite animator


I dont think your artsyle to be similar to what AI does, but if you want to experiment that is a good thing. Besides AI still has a looong way to go before it can reach your level of quality and creativity and nobody (machine or person) draws sexy ladies or does animations like you An animated comic in your artsyle would be really cool


Thanks! And I agree, but I'm not going to wait until the last day before AI-doomsday - I'm going to prepare 😅 They evolve too quickly