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Lillia down a tier

Maokai changes doesnt do anything for jg rlly

Great buffs for Nidalee if you are a competent player. In lower elo probably S TO S+ tier, in high elo Z tier

Shaco buffs are great, does suck for him that nidalee got buffed tho

Rengar is still a soloq destroyer by nature and will need more nerfs to him or his items to make him go down a tier.

Shyvana is amongst the worst champions in the game , this does not make her good

Taliyah stays where she is, these buffs matter more for lane than jungle ( E cd change does nothing rlly for jg )

Trundle down a tier

Just no reason to play Zyra over brand , lets be real. So i wont add her to the list unless they make her alot better

Brand down a tier.

Best blind Tanks: Ivern
Best Blind Carries: Nidalee Xin Noct 



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