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The gragas buffs are fine, but he is still alot worse than when he was S+ on my list before, for hard early game matchups like Jayce, Kennen etc this change does nothing as its same cooldown until lvl 6. This mainly helps you in teamfights and sidelaning later which isnt rlly the main thing u want, gragas was op before cus his passive was op in lane.

Sante up a tier, good buffs imo

Good morde buffs, should lead to quite a bit more damage. Biggest problem with champs like morde is just how important matchups are, like you want to be vs someone like ornn, but most of the time you are against things like Olaf , Fiora etc. I think next season items might be good for morde tho

Overall a very boring patch, only ksante actually got meaningful changes imo

Green = Easy | blue = medium | red = hard | yellow = blindpickable



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