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jinx still op

Swain bot is buffed aswell as mid but he is not as good bot as he is in mid imo, if u want to play him bot play him vs like kalista kaisa samira type of champions.

Seraphine down a tier, doesntt make sense to play her when hypercarries like jinx is so OP, she does better when adcs are "useless"

green = Easy | blue = medium | red = hard | yellow = blindpickable




varus thoughts

Philip Marklund

Is APC overall worse in jinx meta?


Nah i think ziggs for example is pretty good vs jinx, jinx doesnt rlly want to go bt she wants full dmg so much better to play ziggs vs jinx than other adcs often.


Is Senna fasting or farming and how big is the difference?


could you explain varus builds someday? i find it confusing when to go which runes and builds


What confuses you? if lethality go hob or comet, comet if you cant auto much in lane like varus karma/heimer vs like cait lux, hob if u can auto , like with hook supports for example. Tempo if onhit You want to go tempo if you are against melees topside and ur lane allows you to do so ( tempo and AS items tend to be worse in lane than hob / comet + scorch etc and dirk longswords )


thank you for explanation! I wasnt sure how to pick between hob and comet is AP varus still viable if we ended up needing ap and I already had varus locked in?