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pretty massive garen buffs, alrdy stat checked quite a few champs, up a tier.

malphite jayce matchup is exact same, malphite gnar is exact same, malphite kennen is same. Only things like malphite fiora actually change a bit, not enough for malphite to be gone or hurt by this placebo change.

poppy up 2 tiers, great buff because it doesnt rely on her being vs dashes or anything, its just good buff. 

Cosmic drive is great on gwen i think, not so sure about kennen tbh, but cassio gwen top use it quite well, mordekaiser sometimes later in the gamee too maybe

Pantheon added to list, s+, wins almost every lane and uses his early lead well with his ult.

green = easy | blue = medium | red = hard | yellow = blindpickable




Where can i see the good match ups to pick the "Counters"