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Overall the main changes for adc is Navori and tanks in the game.

If a very tanky tank is in the game, or overall tanky comp , they will be more tankier than before usually due to heartsteel, which buffs champions like Vayne, Varus Kogmaw. Im not moving these champions tiers tho because they are so situational, but very good in right spots, especially now.

Navori Kaisa Xayah Lucian Nilah

Nilah has rlly high winrate, im not sure why tho so i wont put her up a tier, i guess navori is good on her but that shouldnt make her winrate like 53-54%.

some people think ezreal is really good, i think he is a bit better than before yea, i wouldnt say he is OP or anything, he is good vs full AD comps due to iceborn build, and new hydra is nice on him.

Xayah is quite good id say , but very situational, needs to be against dive comps / melee heavy, then she is very strong atm with navori

Brand up a tier, good vs the more tanky comps.

MF down a tier, champs are usually more tanky topside which she sucks vs, if ppl start playing xayah tho you should go E max comet MF and enjoy free LP

Jhin down a tier for same reason as MF, its a safe pick tho, you can always have some value

green = easy | blue = medium | red = hard | yellow = blindpickable




I'd assume you would want to be playing more kraken/pd cait when teams are tankier?


For Miss Fortune, is her crit build the best build atm or can you can go either lethality or hybrid build? She seems like the weakest ADC atm.