New swain doesnt seem so impressive.
Poppy support buffed, still only good vs specific poppy teamcomps like rakan support lee jg/rengar jg type of things.
lots of nerfs to soraka, moonstone and now her W, down a tier. Not a bad champion at all but keep in mind you arent winning the map and other peoples lanes by picking soraka, you are playing her to be good in some lanes and OP in teamfights, youve lost alot of ur strength so down a tier.
Sylas support added to list, this buffs is very good for support sylas, good into comps where sylas ulti is strong, like leona ult amumu ult zilean ult gp gnar these type of things.
Renata still S tier, i am still looking for a site to replace wickd.gg site to make tierlists, but im not sure, if someone has suggestions let me know.
Taric down a tier, less dive champs being played in soloq, more mage supports and enchanters so taric is weaker.
Green = Easy | blue = medium | red = hard | yellow = blindpickable