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Big patch with lots of small changes.

Neeko up to a+, good buff and good vs GP, Ryze, Kennen etc.

Darius Tryndamere still fine, the nimbus nerf is mainly hitting smite and hexflash because of the low movespeed it gives, 30% is still big for flash.

jax removed from counters and up to S, he is rlly fine in alot of matchups, his utility got buffed alot by the E change too. Rlly good vs camille, wukong who are quite popular in this meta, can beat renekton too.

Akali buff is nice, helps her clear minions and the E change buffs her mid and late game.

Hecarim buff is good too, and fiora change is nice for escaping or chaasing without hitting Q.

Green = easy | Blue = medium | Red = hard



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