Patch 10.7 Tier List SoloQ BOT (Patreon)
2020-04-03 17:20:25
2020-04-03 17:24:02
- Ezreal, Draven and Kogmaw would be higher but people are so bad players so these champs look rlly bad so yea... dont play them unless you are good.
- MF Syndra safe to blind, really good at pushing and impacting early game without falling down too much.
- Kaisa really safe pick atm and good counter to Ezreal.
- Ziggs good autofill botlaner
- Senna is whatever, you have to be duo on her to make her good so u can play senna + tahm etc. solo senna is shit.
- Varus LETHALITY and ON HIT are both good.
- Aphelios is starting to fall off..
- Xayah ofc stronger paired with rakan.