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Hey guys : )

Wall of text incoming : D

Maybe you are familiar with inktober?

It’s a challenge for artists to draw something every day of October only with ink (actually you can use whatever you want). I never tried inktober and since October is afar, I will just do my own challenge.

Because there is another thing I want to try out. I love creating original characters, like easter bunny girl or the scarred cat girl. And I’m a huge fan of other artist’s original characters. Sooo… I think about establishing an own recurring original character. Someone with more depth, a character I can draw more than once and show many different sides.

I want to make her black hair and of course big breasts. I have the feeling there aren’t too many anime characters with black hair and I like my long black hair a lot too. Maybe I will add a color twist, like red hair ends! : )

Hmmm, maybe she will be a monster girl in secret! I’m not sure yet!

Precisely why I want to do a 30 days challenge, starting tomorrow, May 1st!

I will try to do a sketch of the OC everyday, experimenting with her appereance and her features… even experimenting with the style and medium and just practice stuff. I draw way to less outside my box lately, so this is also a chance for me to try new stuff or retry old stuff. On one day the sketch will be digital, on another day it will be with pencils maybe…

Btw I will do this challenge additionally to my usual drawings and I will add all sketches to the monthly reward files in May. I hope I can accomplish to create a character design I like for a long time : )

tl;dr: I will create a very special original character other the course of 30 days, posting a sketch/rough drawing every day; experimenting with styles & practicing stuff : 3

Feel free to leave me feedback!




Oh my! Was this... THE BIRTH OF SUCO!?!? :0


Ein interessantes Projekt, bin aufjedenfall auf den Fortschritt über den Monat gespannt. Abwechslung ist ja nie verkehrt. Schwarze kombiniert mit rot ist sowieso eine der besten Varianten (á la Ryūko Matoi ♥)


Vielen Dank, ich bin auch sehr gespannt , hehe : D Und ich liebe die Kombination schwarz rot auch total!