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I've already mentioned it in yesterday's post:

November will be another one of those months I'll try to experiment with style etc. I did that in the past already, so especially long time supporters may remember how it will probly go haha

Despite drawing for years, I still struggle with maintaining a good work-life-balance (it got better, just not great yet haha), I always feel like I'm too bad and too slow with my art and tend to pressure myself into reaching certain goals and feeling really bad when I don't. And I always feel like there are a million ideas I wanna try out but can't find the time or motivation to do so because I'm stuck in my regular schedule. I don't know, I'm probably just weird...

Anyway I wanna use November to try out some stuff, especially a more rough sketchy style (once again, lol) and I also wanna do some research and preparing for some projects I would love to do, but never really get around to.

Sooo... there will most probably be less 'finished' and polished content in November, but you will be the first to see whatever I'll come up with!

I hope you can understand that I won't turn off pledge payment in November like I did last time. First I don't intend to really take much time off. And second... I actually can't afford it. Literally everything got more expensive in the last 1-2 years… Rarely do I speak about money or how much I make etc, but my Patreon income has slooooowly been shrinking over the past 2 years too and I didn’t make that much to begin with. These two facts combined plus me not feeling completely happy with my results makes me wanna try out more stuff even more!

This may sound like a downer, but I'm exited and highly motivated for some change! And I hope you too!

Thanks so much for your support, you all are the best! I looooove youuuu all!🎃❤️



Logan White

No need to apologise or comment about keeping the payments on Sevie. Here to support you and the work you do. Don’t want you going without food or heating or other essentials :)

Jeffrey Ward

I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think you go too slow or too bad on anything. That said, good on you for wanting to improve, and I hope you find a better work life balance. We're here for you, Sevie! =)