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Drawing three versions of Aloy and some drawing in the past, I think, I really would love to draw mooore kinky stuff.

Sooo... one version with pretty clothes, one topless/naked version and a kinkier one :3

Of course this is more time consuming and I guess I can't make it every week... but drawing three versions is so much fun. So I'm thinking about making the third version Patreon exclusive, to maybe attract more people to become one of us! Like I said, not every drawing will be like that, but I guess 1-2 drawings in a month are possible... I have to test this out^^

Also I want to say... I know many artists on Patreon make all their NSFW content exklusive and usually I'm not such a big fan of it, because it feels like you are "buying" the drawings, instead of "donating" to an artist and there is so much free porn and hentai stuff out there...^^"

What do you think about this? Would love to read some of your thoughts! : )


Steve Sakurai

If you like to draw such things do it Just do it! xD For me it doesn't really matter. Patreon exklusiv mh i'm not sure... I think you should do it because we are donating also to get something special.


Ich find es gut! Mach nur, als Unterstützer bekommt man zwar schon die volle Auflösung, aber zu einer dritten Version sag ich auch nicht nein : D Auch wenn sicher einige meckern werden, nimmst du ja niemanden was weg. Die NSFW Version bleibt ja allen erhalten nur die noch versautere Version gibts halt nur hier :) Vielleicht bekommst du so ja noch ein paar mehr Unterstützer^_^


Die Idee finde ich gut, solange es dir nicht zu viel wird :D Außerdem glaube ich kaum, dass es jemand stören wird, wenn du die Idee umsetzt.


I feel like when people start charging explicitly for their services on Patreon it becomes less of a hobby and more of a commercial service. Then your fans become your customers, and instead of donating because you do good artwork, they start feeling entitled to better 'products.' I read a comment recently about this trend that was something like 'People used to spend money to pursue their hobbies. Now people expect to be paid for it?' I like the idea that you draw what you want to draw, whether it's a normal version only, or a NSFW version, or 2 NSFW versions.. please continue as you have been, and don't turn me into a 'customer.' Offering higher resolution or extras like wallpaper versions to Patreon people seems fine though.


Zusätzlicher Content ist für uns (die Zuschauer) immer toll. Also wenn dir danach ist, einen Charakter in mehr "Facetten" zu präsentieren, nur zu =3 Bin ebenso kein Fan davon, das Patreon exklusiv anzubieten, aber solange es sich nur auf die Kinky Version beschränkt, ist das wohl absolut in Ordnung. Mich würde es also nicht stören. Aber ob die Kinky Version wirklich Motivation genug ist, deshalb ein Patreon zu werden, bezweifle ich.


Thanks for the feedback : ) I guess, I have to think about all this a bit more


Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung : ) Ich werd darüber noch ein bisschen grübeln!


Danke für die Rückmeldung, wie geschrieben, würd ich es halt nur so oft machen, wie ich es auch schaffe : )


Thank you for your feedback : ) I get the point of the comment you quoted. I think, the border between hobby and job is already blurred for many artist. For me too! It's kinda simple... Watching Anime or reading Manga... these are indeed hobbies and I like spening money on those. But I don't feel about drawing as only a hobby. It's a bigger passion. I just love drawing and when I can get money out of it, I can spend even more time with drawing. For example I do commissions and I'm pretty picky which one I like to do, because I always want to have fun. But using Patreon is so much more fun, because I really can draw whatever I want. And no matter how much money I will make through Patreon, I will always draw what I like : ) This way, I don't have quite the feeling of making anyone a customer. Thank you for your honest opinion! I will think about it : )


Das denk ich mir auch, umso mehr, desto besser : ) Bin da wirklich etwas hin und her gerissen. Ich mags bei anderen nicht so, aber es klappt ja scheinbar auch irgendwie^^' Denke mir dann aber auch, es gibt echt so viel free Porn/Hentai^^' Hach, ich werd noch etwas drüber nachdneken : ) Danke für diene Rückmeldung!