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Hey my lovely peeps! ❤️

The month off is over! And December - my birthday, Christmas season and the end of the year - is right around the corner!

Big thankies for being so patient with me!☺️

In this past month, I've still been drawing a bit everyday during the week, tried out and learned some stuff and did show you some of that, too. But just not as much as usually and I actually took the full weekends off! Haven’t done that in years and that's something I would like to do more often in the future.

Another conclusion I've made this month: I can’t just fix everything going wrong with my artstyle and work schedule in one month. Or two or three. I have to incorporate more practices and experiments into my regular workflow, take some time to actually reflect more on mistakes and improvements. Optimally without slowing my drawing process even more down. I'm not 100% sure how exactly to do that, but I'll do my very best! So… sadly I did't just magically come up with a better artstyle and improved drawings in that one month, hehe, but it gave me way more time to actually think and rest 🙏

So from today my Patreon will be kinda back to normal again - for most parts at least! But there will be some changes. I maybe end up being more silent on a few days and not post WIPs as regularly or do a more different drawing here and there, when I wanna try out something. In November I also mostly worked with a slightly smaller canvas size (3000 x 4250 instead of 3600 x 5100 px) and variations of that and would actually prefer to do so in the future. Suggestions and polls will be back to normal for now too, but I may change something about them at some point.

BTW If you have been wondering how to get the sketches and drawings from November, they will be used to give me a little headstart in December and bolster for Christmas.

Hope you will be looking forward to my upcoming drawings and stay patient with me, if I keep struggling a bit. Thank you soooo sooo much for keeping up with me, being patient and of course supporting me!




I'm glad to hear you've got some ideas moving forward! I know against the wall of 'it's great!' 'I love it!' etc comments it's hard to say things you're dissatisfied with, but I'd like this sort of conversation on Discord if you want! I think the smaller canvas size is fine, that's still a pretty excessive resolution.. and drawn/anime type stuff scales up pretty well if it really becomes necessary in some future world where we want to put our 'old' images on our 16k monitor. As for the rest.. I think things will work out fine! <3


I'll be honest: The only thing I'm wondering is what I can do to support you more. Spitefully, if I have to. 😏

Jeffrey Ward

Like I said before, I personally don't see a problem if you've got to reduce the overall amount of content you're making as part of your 'regular' Patreon content. Maybe give yourself a week 'off' every month, where you don't have to work on Patreon content and can just work on artstyle changes you feel like trying out, or just not working if you feel like it. If self improvement is part of the regular monthly routine, there would come a point where it wouldn't really seem disruptive anymore. At the very least, I think that giving yourself weekends off is entirely reasonable.