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Hiiiiii my lovely booby lovers!☺️❤️✨

How have you been these past weeks? I hope you're very well!

For me it was a month full with ups and downs! With my trainingsarc in mind I was first veeeery motivated, head full with ideas and soooo exited! But once June arrived I quickly became kinda overwhelmed and didn't really know how to start. And everything I tried to do either turned out less nice than I imagined or took like forever to finish... or both! Soon I also realized that - at this rate - I won’t be able to do even half of the stuff I would like to explore more. But of course it was also a lot of fun and in the end I'm rather happy with the output.

Soooo… I would like to continue kinda like this! Suggestions/polls will be back to normal and the drawings will still be kinda like you are used to. 

Just wanna incorporate some of the stuff from June, like a different coloring style every now and then, like with Professor Sada or the 'classical' Suco. 'Work in progress' images will probly be more mixed up like in June, bc it was very nice to work on multiple drawings at the time and switch between them depending on my mood etc. There is also still sooo much stuff I wanna improve at or try out… But this will also result in a different rhythm for posting finished stuff. I've been trying to have something finished every 3-5 days usually and tbh this also lead to rushing some drawings or skipping versions in the past. Also trying out and learning more new stuff (like painting more exiting backgrounds every now and then or more emotional and expressive faces or whaaaatever I‘ll try) can just take longer, bc I'll fail, get stuck and redo some stuff. So maybe my output will be a bit slower sometimes or just not as regular, but I’ll always try to keep you somehow updated and the results will (hopefully) have more variation and help me improve more in the long run!

So I hope you are down for this and will continue to support me! The feedback during June was sooo sweet and nice, thank you all soooooo much, I'm so happy to have you all supporting my stuff! Love you, you are just the best!❤

Btw in the end I didnt get the chance to do the raffIe-thingy, but it's just postboned, not called off! Soooorry!


  • June was stressy, but also fun
  • wanna do more stuff like that in the future!
  • couldnt do even half of what I wanted
  • post rhythm maybe more mixed up in the future
  • output maybe slower bc of trying out stuff
  • more variation and (hopefully) improvement
  • suggestions/poll will be back in July etc
  • love you aaaaaaall!❤




I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm here to support you, friend. You make the art that you want to make. I'm just happy to be here and enjoy the fruits of your labor with you.

Jeffrey Ward

What if you did something like make one or two regular style images every month to fill out your 'obligation', then spend the rest of each month doing your experimental stuff? That way you could get some practice in every month, while still ensuring we get the kind of content we're usually expecting for sure. I for one don't mind getting a bit less of the usual content if it means you get to do more of what you want to do.