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Heeey my spooky buns! 🎃 Happy Halloween again!

October was a bit different than usual, I've tried to change my style a bit, bc I'm not that happy with my drawings anymore. I don’t feel like I'm improving and I kinda got stuck in a drawing routine I don't enjoy that much. And tbh I don't think I've accomplished a lot in just that one month, the changes aren’t very noticeable, but it was still a big struggle and made me slow and frustrated. But I don't wanna give up!

So November will also be a bit different as well. Probably more than October! I really wanna go a bit more casual, more experimental, just trying out stuff I usually don't? Maybe some stuff will be a bit more sketchy, maybe some drawings will have just a nude version or focus on special body parts or I'll try something new with the lighting. And since drawing my OCs feels so comfortable and comforting to me, I'll put a bigger focus on them in November, especially Suco (still gonna do 1-2 of the suggested characters like normal). 

So be warned, my friends! For November I can't promise something like eight drawing with each four+ versions, but hopefully it will help me be more happy with my own art again! Thank you for your patience in advance! I greatly hope you will be exited about the upcoming drawings! I appreciate your support so much! Love you all~ 




Consider me warned. You're still stuck with me. 😜💙

Jeffrey Ward

I'm curious to see how it will play out.


Awesome 🤩