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Wow, this cutie smashed the poll! And I think I know why! hehe 👀



Frank Leo

I saw some called her "CeLestia" instead of "CeRestia" ... which name is correct?


I'm not sure. The korean ㄹ can be pronounced either way. Between two vowels like in Cerestia it's apparently more like a 'r' and in most other cases more like 'l', if I got that right. But since her name is probably inspired by 'celestial', it could also be 'l' in her case. Guess there is no correct way and there seems to be no official transcription of her name yet? Idk^^;

Frank Leo

( https://mudae.fandom.com/wiki/Celestine_Lucullus ) , I am sure her name is with an L .


She looks very similar, but it's not the same character^^ I'm drawing her-> https://lastorigin.fandom.com/wiki/Cerestia

Frank Leo

Since the "Kuroinu" is the older source, I believe both the character design and the character name in "Last Origin" took directly from "Kuroinu" .

Jeffrey Ward

Oh boy, another girl with huge... tracks of land!