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Hiiiii everyone!☀️

I've drawn Pyra like 4 times so far, but never drew Mythra, so I figured it's about damn time : D At first I just wanted to do long hair + color variation of the Pyra drawing, but then I decided to go for a mirrored and slightly different pose, so they would match but not look too similar^-^ And of course her bikini design is different as well! Hope you like it! ❤️

✧✧✧✧✧This drawing is part of the July 2021 set✧✧✧✧✧

🎁 Version 1 in small resolution (on Twitter and other sites)

For TIER 1+ (1$) supporters:
💛 Version 1-2 in high resolution (normal, topless)

For TIER 2+ (5$) supporters:
🧡  Version 1-3 in high resolution (normal, topless/bottomless, nude + sun tanned variations)
🧡 Access to 'Work In Progress' images
🧡 Wallpaper versions

Dear supporters, please check the link I've just sent out to all supporters at the beginning of  this month or after you signed up (check your inbox) to see all the yummy versions in hires! And thank you so much for supporting! ☺️❤




Ooooo lawd!! Will there be a bonus drawing with both of them in the picture?


YES! 🥵 Should have a bonus of both indeed And then also suggesting Pneuma (true form) eventually and also should have some more Mythra to equalize too


Wow nice kid beautiful picture awesome

Frank Leo

Thank You\




"Ok, that was pretty good" - Mythra.* Actually, this is beautiful :) *= Another reference to the Pyra backflip clip, hee hee.