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Hey my looovely peeeeps! Small info blob incoming!✨

Just wanna make sure you know how I handle my Patreon - especially if you are a new patron and wonder how to get the rewards! And that's why I'll make this a pinned post!

1. Most important info: Rewards will always be shared via message!

If you just signed up, pleeeeaase check your Patreon inbox! You'll get a message asap, sometimes it only takes some minutes, sometimes a few hours if you catch me sleeping, hehe 😴 You should get a notification for the message, but looks like notifications just don't work all the time and that's the main reason I wanted to do this post! Some peeps don't even know they got a message! 🥲

So if you are a patron for at least 1 day - you definitely got a message in you inbox with more infos and a download link!!!

If not, you either got declined (check you payment info!) or you signed up in the first 1-3 days of the month and I haven't send out the latest link out yet or - the veeeeery rare case - the message got fucked up by Patreon (LET ME KNOW!).

And please take a minute or two to actually read the message!


2. My Patreon has upfront payment! If you signed up on - for example - the 9th January, you paid for the January content in that moment and you'll get the current month's content asap! Your next payment would be on the 1st or 2nd of February for the February content and I share a new message again as soon as the first drawing of February is finished!

I want to point that out, bc I know a lot of artist don't use upfront payment. It usually works like this for many other artists: If you sign up on the 9th January, you'll be charged on the 1st or 2nd February and you get the January's rewards at the beginning or mid of February.

Nothing against this method, BUT I personally like the idea that if you see and like one of my drawings on twitter... and you join my Patreon, you can enjoy the high res and extra versions pretty much right away and you don't have to wait for the next month. And you get a new update every few days! It's IMO just more exiting!💖


3. REMINDER TO DOWNLOAD THE FILES! Either do that every few days, when I post a new drawing or at the end of each month, when a set is complete! I keep them up for a while longer, but need to reorganize my cloud storage every once in a while, so they might be gone if you wait tooooo long.


If you have any questions or you feel like you didn't get your rewards at some point, pleeeeease let me know! There is a lot of info at once, especially if you are new to Patreon. Mistakes on my side or language barriers can play a role as well (I'm not an english native speaker), but I'd rather explain something in other words and check everything twice, than leave anyone behind! ☺️

Thanks for your support! Love you all! ❤️



Shamsiel Shahar Kyonyuu Fantasy, the ball still rollin'


Good to know


I just wait now

Frank Leo

Thank You


FWIW I prefer the way you do it over other methods artists bill/distribute downloads. Also hello Chibi-Sevie, long time no see!(except in discord emote form of course)

The Tickling Master (K. C.)

Thanks Sevie! I like the fact that you distribute via message. This frees me up to comment as you post!

Rose Azmir

This is very helpful and informative. Thanks so much Sevie.