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The Good

The best thing about February is I learned a lot and I mean aaaaa looot! ?? My speed definitely improved and I've paid more attention to face, the pose of the head and also the lighting. I've tried some slightly different styles and just drew some ideas I had on my mind for like forever. Especially drawing my original characters is always fun and picking quite a lot of the suggestions was fun as well. You can clearly see a difference, if you compare the more detailed and smooth drawings of Ruby, Lucy and Kuro with the rest of the daily drawings, but I still think most of daily ones still turned out great!

The Bad

I worked waaay to much. ? Most of the days I drew for 12-14 hours with no days off. Still had the chance to play some Dark Souls 3 and I went to the cinema 2 times, but most days were just waking up, breakfast, draaaaaawing, dinner, drawing more until I'm super tired, sleep, repeat. That was actually fun for like 2 weeks, but it got very stressing to the end. And I know, no one forced me to draw so much or do the daily drawings for the whole month, but I'm just super weird in that regard and pressure myself into stuff like that. It's awesome to be my own boss, just looks like I'm an awful boss sometimes...

The Ugly

Soooo baaack to normal, no daily drawings in March. I'll go back to my regular working schedule - drawing for a few hours less per day and at least take one day off per week. And I'm aiming to release aaaabout 9-10 drawings per month again (4 in the more simple style for tier Tier 1+ and 5-6 full blown drawings for Tier 3+), but also incorporate my new learnings and hope it will help me to improve my drawings, skills and time management. I hope you won't be disappointed going back to this after February! ? Maybe I'll mix stuff up every now and then, doing more simple ones and less full blown drawings or the other way around or whatever.

I already got a bit feedback from some of you here or on Twitter, but would love to see more of that! So I'm looking forward to read your comments! Maybe tell me which drawings have been your faves in February! Did you prefer the style of the daily drawings or the more detailed and clean drawings I usually do? ???



I can’t really choose a favorite. Each one was unique and amazing in its own right. I did worry you were stretching yourself thin, so maybe do something like this once a year, or longer? Just make sure you don’t overwork yourself you’re much, the artist is more important than the art after all


I think both styles are great. And yeah, don't push yourself too hard, while the daily drawings were amazing it's not worth the potential burnout.

Frank Leo

be sure to take some rest

Lucas R_rawrz

I can definitely say that Krystal was my fav <3 And then, Suco c: I've loved all the daily drawings and I prefer that style of drawing~ However, you should keep doing it in the way you enjoy the most and makes you happier :D Also, your drawing speed for such quality is incredible O.O! You managed to keep it up for 29 whole days :O You are awesome!! (but taking time for yourself is also important c: )

Savior King

Niemand will das du dich überarbeitest, nimm dir genug Zeit für dich selber bitte das würde mich freuen! Dann meine Favoriten vom Februar waren: Asagi, Sakura, Ruby, Suco no Shirt und Krystal. Der Rest war Super bis okay (Der Zombie Penis war gruselig)


Sometimes it's hard to say stuff like 'wow that really improved!' because you don't want to make the person feel like you thought their old work was bad. A couple things this past month caught my eye so I'm glad you're happy with them too! I figured you'd probably overwork yourself so congrats on making it through a hard month. <3