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I'll take a week off! I actually wanted to do so around Christmas, but in December there was just too much stuff on my schedule. I'll hopefuly finish the last commission for the Otaku Box tomorrow, as well as the wallpapers for you!

Then I'll just take a whole week off! (/ *-*)/

So there will probably be no or very little updates in the Patreon feed and there will also be a bit less content in January in generel, since I couldn't prepare drawings in advance and I don't want to punishingly overwork myself right after that week.

I voiced concerns that I tend to overwork myself before and I feel like it didn't improve since I do the Otaku Box commissions and also turned the "doodles" into pretty much regular drawings, because my weird ass can't find and keep a more simple doodle style, hnnnnggggrrr...

So it's definitly one of my New Year's resolution to get more into doodle and style experiments again and also take a bit more time off and still manage to deliver oppailicious artworks! Please support me doing so! o(´>_<` )o

To make up for that week and also to celebrate the New Year, I though another little special would be great! All tier 3 patrons of January will be able to choose one previous month's set as an extra! And since tier 4+ patrons can pick one extra set anyway, they will be able to pick two instead of one in January! \(´^o^` )/

Looking forward to just play games, watch movies and maybe get some stuff done in my apartment in the upcoming week! Thank you so much for supporting me in 2019! I love you all! You are the best! Let's make 2020 an awesome year - full of holy thiccness and oppai glory! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020!




Nice, good to take a break every now and then!


You do so much work for us Sevie so you enjoy that week of and go have some fun! We'll all be here when you get back ;) you deserve some time off &lt;3 •3•


Frohes Ausruhen, nimm dir Zeit und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. :)

Jeffrey Ward

I think I already have all previous sets because I bought them on the other store thing. I think you've earned some time off though.