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Heeey everybody!^-^

2019 is over soon and I want to say thank you! For all the support and love! ??

I mentioned before I want to do some kind of christmas special, sending a physical postcard to all patrons of Tier 4+. Meanwhile I changed my mind and want to do a New Year card instead, so I have a bit more time and it's also less focused on Christianity. I like Christmas for all the cute stuff, delicious food and coming together with family and friends, but I'm actually a non-religious person and I don't know how my patrons' view on Christmas is, so I decided to celebrate something more neutral - like the New Year^-^

And now I want to let you know everything you need to know, if you want one!^-^

I'll do a secret little winter themed drawing, probably featuring Suco, and print that on some postcards. To get one, you need to be a Tier 4 patron in November and/or December and pledge before 12.12. (you can still request a card later, if there are cards left, but it's not sure it will arrive in December).

I'll send group messages to all patrons of Tier 4 end of November and also beginning of December or after you sign up and ask for your shipping address. Of course you can refuse the card if you just want the regular digital drawings and stuff. And of course I won't use the addresses for anything else than this special. Please reply to that message in time! And you need to reply to that specific message, please keep that in mind, so I have all addresses in one place, Patreon's inbox is a mess anyway and there is no option to filter or search certain messages etc.

The cards will get handwritten greetings and will be send in batches before 15th December, so they'll hopefully arrive before 31st December even to distant coutries ???




Also die Karte auf den Foto find ich so schon nice mehr braucht es garnicht.


Hehe, freut mich, dass dir der Platzhalter schon so gut gefällt!^-^


I look forward to your wonderful gift 😊


Personally, I don't really "celebrate" Christmas, per se, but America more or less shuts down for it. It's taken on a life of its own outside of the religion that spawned it. All that said, I respect your decision to hold off until New Year's.


I never got the group message T.T