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Actually I wanted to take this week off and wanted to post the finished drawing next week together with the second drawing. But I just finished the first drawing of my new original character and I like the drawing soooo much. I want to show it! So I thought... why waiting for the second drawing?

Since I switched from 1 drawing to 2 drawings per character, I usually waited until I finished both drawings, but I actually don't know why... 

So from now on I want to post a drawing when it's done! I will also loosen my schedule a bit. I still want to aim for the 4 basic + 4 exclusive drawings a month, I just want to be a bit more flexible on which day I have to finish a certain step! And of course I will still post drawings here first - at least one day earlier! ^-^

My lovely patrons can find this drawing and the topless version in the new folder of August. I just shared the link with all processed patrons, so maybe check your payment if haven't got a message!

Thank you a lot for your support! I'm soo sooo grateful so many people like my art that much! ✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧

Oh, I almost forgot to mention: I named her Patty! I hope you like her name and her character design! Her name is a portmanteau of the words pastel and kitty, thanks to her main colors and her cat traits!

Also she lost her eye and arm, when she was little and got a magic arm prosthesis from Suco family, which found and reared her! So she is Suco's foster sister!

Awwww, sorry for writing a wall of text...




She so cute I love her sm. Awesome job Sevie, very cool! ♡

Joshua islas

I love the name and love that your so pumped about your new work and not just, okay here's the picture, bye. Your the best Sevie. 😍😍 OMG THEY'RE HUGE


The pink skin is a nice touch to the character. Her blue arm looks cool. Cant wait for more oc creations!

Frank Leo

Thank You


Mega süß und ultra sexy! 💙 Das neue System gefällt mir auch gut, aber wie immer: überanstrenge dich nicht!


Aww, thank you so much, I'm glad you like her, Jack! ❤


Yeah, they are huuuge, haha 😚❤ Thank you a looot and I'm really hyped to get feedback on her!


Thank youuu! Yeah, I wanted to do something different with the skin to make her look more 'monster'-like but still super cute! And I have already another nice character on mind!^-^


Daaankeschön! 💖💙 Freue mich schon sehr auf die nächste Zeit und hoffe, die kleinr Änderung wird den Zeichnungen nur zu gute kommen!


Schwestern im Herzen? Bin gespannt was sich da entwickelt ;) Nebenbei. Sieht super aus. Ich mag ja Mädels die etwas mehr auf den Hüften haben ;) Die Nippel sind aber meiner Meinung nach etwas zu weit rausploppend aber sonst kann ich nicht meckern ^^


Hehe, genau, Schwestern im Herzen <3 Dankeschön! Bin auch sehr happy, dass sie ein wenig chubby ist, bei Fanarts hat man da oft wenig Auswahl!^-^ Uh, ich bin voll ein Fan von puffy Nippel, hehe^^;


Vielen Dank Sevie,du hast heimlich meinen Wunsch erfüllt und eine Neko gezeichnet :* Sie sieht echt niedlich und süß aus,richtig zum anbeißen und knuddeln dass man sie sofort mitnehmen will um mit ihr zu "kuscheln" :D ... Meins ^^