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Hi hiii! <3

You should have received an email from Patreon regarding the new fees. I drew this little thing to make the change more easy to understand, since I'm not sure how much you know about the Patreon Fee and Processing Fees.

Well, the old system was:

- You pay 5$

- Paypal, your Bank or your credit card provider takes 5-7%, depending on the payment method, this is the so called "Processing Fee"

- Patreons takes 5% as a fee for their platform

- I get the remaining ~4,40$

The new system is:

- You pay 5$

- you also pay 0,35$ + 2,9% - regardless of the payment method - this is the new "Processing Fee". Based on my 5$ tier, this fee will be about 0,50$

- Patreon takes 5% as a fee for their platform

- I get the remaining 4,75$

So Patreons will put the processing fee on your side instead of mine.

In a nutshell: You'll pay a bit more, I get a bit more.

As far as I know, this 0,35$ is a once per month fee, so if you support more than one creator, you have to pay this only once per month. For example if you pledge each 5$ to two artist and also 5$ to me, you will pay 15$ + 0,35$ + 0,44$ (2,9%). /edit: not sure about this anymore, Looks like you have to pay 0,35$ for each individual pledge. Pretty strange : (

Actually I'm not quite sure what to think about it. A lot of creators complain about this change, because they are afraid of loosing a lot of patrons, especially the 1$ patrons : (

What do you think about this change? Is this a reason for you to delete pledges for your favorite creators? Or don't you mind to pay a bit more?




BAD! I had to decrease pledges and stop some supports...... I had a lot creators with skill in my opinion,now I'm writing a mail to them with my sorry,I'm not rich,etc... We have in hungary 27%tax... SO it is already killing me....


Die paar Cent tun mir nicht weh und wenn du ein bisschen mehr bekommst, freut es mich! In dem Sinne: GOOD! :)


Ich hab nur Bahnhof verstanden :3


Well, looks like Patreon tries to sell this as a positive thing while makling the supporters pay more and more : ( I'm sorry and I hope Patreon will overthink this change.


Vielen lieben Dank, ich hoffe, der ganze Trubel legt sich bald wieder und optimaler Weise überdenkt Patreon diese Änderung nochmals : )


AAAHHHHHHHH...kapiere ich nicht :D


Patreon will in Zukunft eine Gebühr für die Zahlungsmethode zusätzlich zu den 5$ verlangen. Bisher wurde diese Gebühr von den 5$ abgezogen. Heißt, Patronen zahlen mehr und die Creator bekommen etwas mehr.

Frank Leo

I honestly doesn't mind this change


It's good that you'll get more money and it won't affect my pledges.. but it feels like a very weird decision by Patreon. As a user, I tell them 'I authorize you to charge me $20' and then they charge me $20.75 or whatever.. rather than making things confusing for just the content creators, they have now made it confusing and difficult for every single patron in their system.


Looking at it further, if a creator wanted to mitigate this charge for end users and lowered their pledge level to 4.51(or 4.52, depends how the transaction gets rounded) this would result in the end user paying roughly the same amount, but the creator getting 4.28 of the 5.00 instead of the 4.40 from before the change. It's a significant(percentage wise) rate hike if you look at it that way, although the actual percentage of the increase is influenced by the size of the .35 minimum charge compared to the overall pledge. I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that they are marketing this change as 'better for creators' when primarily it's 'better for Patreon.' Maybe it's what they need to do to keep the site running..

Master Eley

Honestly, I'm kinda glad to be taking on this fee, because that puts more money in your pocket Sevie. That means there will be much more of your astonishing artwork to come in the future, so from me i say here is a raise for doing such great work. :)