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Hi hi my dear patron buddies and dear followers! ?(???)?

I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you! A biiiig thank you! (????)??

The support via patreon grew a lot over the last weeks and I'm sooo glad about this! Every new patron makes me really happy! Of course I also appreciate every other kind of support. Likes, retweets, feedback, fan art and stuff are sooo important to stay motivated, grow as an artist and get new people interested. And it's always a strange (in a positive way) feeling for me, that people really like the stuff I drew that much they want to give me a few bucks of their hard earned money! (•??•? )????

Doing commissions for friends, freelancing for a small design agency from time to time and posting my drawings online, increased the confidence in my art a lot over the past years. Then I started my YT channel two years ago to spur myself into drawing more regular and get better! And I think, I really improved! Youtube and Patreon played a huge part in this, because I can draw the stuff I like the most, get feedback and also make some money, so I can dedicate myself even more into drawing. (?´?`?)??

It's really important to me to post new drawings regular and it disaffects me, when I can't keep my self-imposed schedule. My hand injury last month sucked and sadly I've some other stuff coming up lately, which is why I had less time this week and I guess I have to cut some time in the next weeks, too.

I just wanted to point this out clearly, so no one jumps to strange conclusions (like I don't like drawing or doing youtube any more). Actually the opposite is the case, I would love to draw even more and I will put as much time and effort as possible into the next drawings, but I have to save some time and I will try this by doing my speed drawing video without commentary (only music) for some time. Sorry!

And like I said, I'm so grateful for your support, thank you so much! (? >?< ?) I hope you will like my next drawings!



Ich danke dir für deine Zeichnungen. Das Geld ist gut angelegt. ;) Mach weiter so!


Ich bin eher diejenige die super dankbar ist!∩(︶▽︶)∩ Ich hab dich zwar bei YT abonniert kann aber schon seit Monaten nicht mehr regelmäßig gucken weil mein privat Leben usw. so viel Zeit kostet und wenn ich dann mal Zeit finde will ich immer nur entspannt mit meinen Leuten Blade and Soul zocken. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ Zu wissen das ich wie jetzt alles das ich verpasst habe oder vergessen habe mit meinen Gedächtnis Sieb hier nach sehen kann freut mich umso mehr weil ich weiß das ich immer Zeichnungen finde die mir gefallen! (●♡∀♡) Du gibst dir immer so viel Mühe und mittlerweile habe ich nur noch deine Zeichnungen bei meinen Pc als Hintergrund obwohl ich 10000 + Bilder habe XD Ich werde wohl wie jetzt alles immer in bestimmten Zeiträumen nach hohlen aber ich unterstütze dich liebend gerne aus dem Hintergrund! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ DANKE!!DAS DU DIR IMMER BEI ALLEM SOLCHE MÜHE GIBST!!!! &lt;3