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Hii hiii my dear patrons!

Maybe you already noticed I didn't post new WIPs. Well... I already mentioned this in a comment on YT, but I feel like telling all of you a bit more in detail, since you guys are the ones supporting me financially. Actually I wanted to draw a chibi of Terra last weekend and another Final Fantasy girl for next saturday, but I won't make it. My right hand is in pain due to overloading, because I spent kinda every free minute drawing in the last weeks x_x. I had to do the cutting of the last video with my left hand and that was super weird xD

Anyway, since I don't want to get tendinitis, I will take a break from drawing for at least a week. I don't know if one week will do it or if I have to take two weeks off. Maybe I can draw 1-2 hours a day, not sure... After all this destroys my plan of completing the five FF girls this month :< But well... I think my hand really needs to rest and I have to overthink my work schedule a bit.

You know... I'm always a bit insecure about taking breaks and using patreon^^' On one hand, the rewards are a Thank-you for supporting me whatever or how much I draw. Because I love drawing and there is a lot more I want to draw, so my motivation is always there and I guess this is the great thing about crowd funded content and I'm really thankful for your support! I know, many of you just want to support me, because you like my stuff and you want to show me your appreciation! And so I hope it's okay to take a break from time to time : )

On the other hand, your support is somehow connected to the rewards and maybe some of you don't want to spent money, if you don't get a certain number of drawings. I won't blame anybody if this is the case and if you feel uncomfortable about your pledge and my break, feel free to write me a message, maybe we can figure something out.

Thanks for reading! And of course feel free to comment!



Dont worry Sevie. I am sure we all dont mind you taking a break as long as you get better and you can still create your amazing pieces of art. After your break.


Eine kleine Pause ist doch kein Problem. Gerade wenn es der Gesundheit förderlich ist. Schlimmer wäre es, wenn du nicht auf deinen Körper hörst und es am Ende dann ganz böse kommt und viel länger ausfällst!


einfach keine Sorgen machen deine Bilder sind ein schönes Dankeschön von dia ,aber die spenden sind ja dafür weil wir deine Arbeit mögen oder nicht ^-^ kann mann auch ein Paar Wochen neh :D


It's going to be hard to give your hands a break when Zodiac Age just came out! Hope things are better soon.


Danke dir für dein Verständnis! Da hast du wohl recht, lieber jetzt ein wenig Ruhe gönnen : )


Vielen Dank! Freut mich sehr, dass es bisher alle so gut auf nehmen, möchte ja irgendwie auch niemanden enttäuschen, der sich auf neue Zeichnungen freut : )


I was actually able to play it at the weekend and thanks to the gambit system it's really easy to play with one hand or wearing my wrist splint and mashing the buttons with my ring finger : D thank you a lot!


Erholung sollte sich jeder mal gönnen dürfen. Ich sehe überhaupt kein Problem. Ich würde mir eher Sorgen machen, wenn du dich zum Zeichnen zwingen würdest! Also nimm dir ruhig die Auszeit, die du benötigst. Jeder deiner Patronen wird dafür Verständnis haben! Schönes Wochenende!


Dankeschön : ) Zwingen muss man mich eher, mal nicht zu zeichnen, hehe xD Ich muss mal schauen, wie ich das einfach in Zukunft vermeide, vielen lieben Dank auf jeden Fall!