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This is something I wanted to draw the whole month.... My OC together with me, in a more comic like style or to be more accurate the "Meet the artist" style I did on Day 1 : )

And since the challenge is kinda over, I thought this would be a great and cute drawing to thank all people who took a little bit of time out of their day to appreciate my sketches and drawings, here on Patreon and also all my social media! Sooo thank youuu so much! I really am happy abbout every single like, comment and feedback!

The whole month I was thinking about a good name for her... but I just couldn't think of a good one. But today it was just there! Suco!

I thought, it would be nice, if my nick and her name would have something in commen (first I thought her name should end with -vie). Now it's only the "S" and maybe that the name is pretty short, but I'm still glad.

The "-co" in her name is based on the fact, that many japanese female names end on "ko", like Meiko, Kyoko, Reiko, Yoko and of course Sonico, one of my favorite characters ever. I don't think she is japanese, but since I love Anime and stuff, this fits very well. And I used a "c" instead of "k", because "Suc" could stand for succubus!

But don't say Suco like "suck-o", it's more like you would say "goo" with a "s". Suuuco! This way it also fits somehow to her slimy side...

I'm overthinking this, so let's stop! xD I hope you like her name!




Great name for a awesome character. Love your work.


Super süßer und durchdachter Name :3


Suco is an awesome name. Can you make this a wallpaper without the text? :3


It's the perfect name for a perfect OC


Thank you! I just added the wallpaper to the folder! : )