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Todays entry shows two sketches of my OC, together with her mom.
Aww, I love how tiny her mum is! And her blue looks great together with OC-chan's red!
Would love to draw them together again at some point, but at the moment I feel a bit drained. It's really warm lately and after so much drawing.... puh! So I ended up doing only roughly sketches today. But I like this sketchy look a lot : D

Actually I would love to draw mom and dad having fun together, too, since their size is sooo differnet, haha xD
Guess after this challenge is over, I will do a lot more sketches and stuff of my OC and her life, but of cource not daily, rather when I feel like : )

Patrons can find an uncensored and biiiiiig version of this in the shared folder of May. Non-patrons can see a uncensored (but small) version on Twitter and Tumblr : )




Perfect 👌


oh, mom loves her "little" Girl


Oh he'll yeah!