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I guess this lil' comic is kinda hardcore for some, but yeah~

Actually I just intented to show her family (since she is a demi/slime/succubus/human/whatever...), but after a long discussion with someone about incest in most Anime/Hentai *cough eromanga sensei*, I totally wanted to draw something about incest.

You know, incest is wincest, but if they aren't blood related, it isn't really incest, right? I hate it, when they do this "hoo, they're brother and sister! Mother and son! Incest, wuhu!" But hey, most of the time they are "only" step-whatever, so it doesn't make too many people feel uncomftable about it. But since this is fiction, why not go all out sometimes?

I'm not sure, if this will be canon for her character, since it was kinda impulsively, but yeah, I think she will have a lot of different sexual things going on anyway. Why not incest as well?

Somehow I totally got lost while drawing and did the lineart and coloring super clean instead of sketchy. But I love this very dark, mainly black and white coloring with the red/yellow contrast. Puuuh, I spent way toooo much time with this one...

But I managed to do multiple kinks I intended to do, in only one page (rapelike happy sex, tentacle, incest aaand very large penis (she is very flexible due to her slime body!))

Five days to go!!! ??\\?(?` o ´?)?//??

Oh and by the way: Happy Father's Day! (at least for German people, not sure if this is international)

Patrons can find an uncensored and biiiiiig version of this in the shared folder of May.Non-patrons can see a uncensored (but small) version on Twitter and Tumblr : )




So sexy. Love it. I hope you make more like this one.❤


I like how you are going further, trying more and more "hardcore" stuff. Im all for not limiting yourself! Draw whatever you feel like, I definetely wont judge! This is some sexy stuff! And if you dont want this to be canon, you can always change it to be her sugar daddy! :D


Yay thanks for th multiple kinks! Very sexy and great work!


You must pierce the heavens with all your drawings, don't hold anything back! Super sexy 😀