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I'm very used to draw my art with lineart and a lot of individual layers for shading. But I always wanted to try it the other way around.

So I took the sketch from yesterday and tried to redo it without the lineart.

Drawing or rather painting an image without a lineart was really odd for me and so the result is kinda sloppy. Also I used way less layers, so I could blend the colors into each other.

I'm not super happy with the result, but I'm glad I tried it : ) I hope to get better by trying this more often!

Patron can find an uncensored and bigger version in the shared folder of May. Non-patrons can see a uncensored (but small) version on Twitterand Tumblr : )




Looking awsome.


Amazing looks great


The drawing looks awesome. Keep it up!


nice work you have can i ask what software your using .....


I'm starting to really like that slime tail XP damn good idea