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Hey lovely peeps!🐥❤

It's been a while, but once again I wanna talk about some changes coming to my Patreon. I don't like to focus too much on the numbers or money, but well… despite the fact my Twitter has been growing slowly but steadily, the number of patrons and their pledge amount has been slowly decreasing over the past 2-3 years.

Of course my main focus will always be to improve my artworks and content overall, so more people will actually like to join. But there have been a few ideas flowing around in my head to maybe make supporting more attractive with the content I'm able to do atm.

1: Prints

A while back I mentioned this on discord. I wanna offer physical prints of my drawings as a new tier! I don't see this as something a whole lot of you will be actually interested in, but could be nice for a few more hardcore enthusiasts wanting something physical for their walls. First I would wanna do a test run this month. To see if I can handle everything! To figure out the best way of packing, shipping etc. So the spots will be limited to about 5 patrons per month.

Here some infos about the tier so far:

  • includes a set of 2 prints

  • size of each will be DinA4 (8,27 in × 11,67 in, 21 cm × 29,7 cm)

  • drawing of your choice (sfw/nsfw)

  • prints will be signed, if you like

  • Tier will probly be around 50-60$

I'll do a more detailed post about this soon, before adding this new tier! Feel free to drop some comments, if you got questions, so I can make sure to answer them best in that upcoming post. If more ppl are interested, I would look into adding more spots, larger sized prints or other merch in the future. But since I don't have much experience with this kind of stuff, you'll hopefully understand me taking baby steps! 🙏

2: Tips

Not sure how to call this, but I just added additional tiers that are identical to Tier 2 and 3, just 1-2$ more expensive. See it as a tip, if you feel especially generous. Or as a voluntary markup. Or inflationary adjustment. But it’s completely optional!

Everything kinda got more expensive in the past years... I've thought a lot about the pledges, but changing them for everyone feels kinda wrong. I did way less content when I started, I also did more for a while before my lil' burnout, but I also improved my skills somewhat since the start. Some artists do less content for more money and the other way around. Anyway it's hard to choose a price tag sometimes... or change one that's been there for years. So I feel more comfortable making this optional.

3: Commission

Tbh I'm kinda hesitant about this one. As some may know, I'm usually not open for commissions. Haven't been in years. I still get requests for them tho and I often feel bad about declining. My reasonings behind not doing commissions are some bad experiences in the past, my urge to prioritize my patreon content, and my social issues... I'm not great at talking with people 1/1, about what I'm comfortable drawing, about changes need to be made or bargaining prices, stuff like that makes me stressed really quick. Making this a limited tier with rather strict rules could maybe help me get over some of that. There will be just one spot per month, probly around 250$ for my basic 4 versions (normal, topless, nude, milk). I wanna have as much artistic freedom as possible and the drawing will be part of the patreon content for all supporters. So it's kinda a commission light. Also: You know my stuff, please don't expect me to do something completely different! I'll probably do a more detailed post about this before actually adding the tier (probly start of June tho).

Thank you very much for reading this! Please let me know in the comments about any questions you have, I'll do my best to clear things up as best as possible! 🙏❤️


Nani Nanji

Bruh I want that $250 slot so bad YESSSS! But as someone who used to do commissions via Patreon in the past, I absolutely know what you mean when it comes to stresses of commission art. Some customers have unrealistic expectations, want you to draw shit you would normally never draw, draw characters you dislike, badger you on your days off, ask for endless revisions, threaten you for refunds, ask for edits, overshare their fetishes with you....the list goes on. Not only that, most commission content doesn't pull the same numbers as fandom pieces (for example, drawing Genshin girls vs drawing a minor character from an 80s anime everyone forgot about) so generating more attention on X could be affected by you drawing characters less people search for. I sympathize with your struggle Sevie. Though I'm a random hentai addicted pervert on patreon, I've loved your art since I first saw it, and know for sure AI will NEVER be able to scratch the itch that your art does. Even though I'm unemployed I refuse to unsub, and will do what is necessary to help you make your art career more fruitful.

Jeffrey Ward

Hope you can turn things around enough to still be comfortable, Sevie! Not sure if I'll be able to try any of those higher tier options, but we'll see. =)