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Thank You so much for your kindly patience after a few days of processing for August 2020 Reward! and to all Tier 4 that i send through multiple message earlier, my apologies because i got a few mistake of written "September" title so i literally change to "August".

Also i might be in a middle of HIATUS this Ber months for the InuNeko Studio's newest BL Manga Project plus i will still able to make a new reward as well. Hope i can do my best this mid-year! 




Was that September reward message a mistake? And take your time. I know that manga is gonna turn out great.


Kuroshinki, can you read my messages? I'm a little worried. You have not answered them, although I wrote 3 weeks ago. But anyway, good luck with your manga❤️


Hello there! Yes it was a typo of the message I sent. But I did resend new message with corrected month name with exact reward link :D