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Alot of people miss the warning sign before they join so i'm going to try a full post.

Do not join this Patreon if you're looking for model downloads they've been gone for a few years now, If you see a "download link below poster" like the above  examples ignore it I've taken down all of the ones I've posted but some may still exist randomly out in the wild.

I was forced to stop model uploads due to no support
( can't pay the upload site to keep the files hosted online) in short  

most would come in  > take the models > refund the money > upload to SFM site, meaning there would be no money to pay the bill to keep the files online.

If you come across these models out in wild there is no need to ask me for permission do whatever you want with it. 




I'm sorry this has happened to you. I loved using your models as asset for animating.