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I'm gonna need to password since I just bought tier 3


How can I get access to this? the link is password locked.


Hey was up man this is a Tier 3 model look to your right >

Setsune Wave

I'm Tier 3, haven't received a password yet? Or have they not gone out yet?


someone uploaded your content to sfmlab illegally, can you pull it down please? ----------&gt;<a href="https://sfmlab.com/item/1274/?page=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sfmlab.com/item/1274/?page=1</a>


Every model i make i put a little note pad in the file saying to NOT upload the model for free anyhwere, i told this person to not do that and they did it anyway, i have no power over people once they get the model so it's "fine" / out of my hands if i took the time to take the model down it would of been to late, a number of people would just re upload it again making it impossible for me to stop each person.


No need to speak in private everyone now thinks i'm ripping them off when in every model i have instructions to not upload models people pay for, onto other sites.


I'll do all I can to share this link :)

Billy Bob

Does this have a rig we can use with it? Newb at SFM here.


So what tier is $10?


hey friend what the password to download the file


Was up man you don't even support me for $1 so there are no models for you here But i do have some free stuff <a href="http://endlessillusionx.tumblr.com/Free3D" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://endlessillusionx.tumblr.com/Free3D</a>


Hey, I'm on tier 3 and I was wondering if I can get the password by message whenever you have time. Thank you!


Normally i would send you a link but it looks like the rules just changed give me a min to sort it all out <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283</a>