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  • R1 orginal.mp4
  • R1 No Talking.mp4



Catbox (Audio) (RIght click on video >Loop)


Ang1 (No talking) 

Gfcat (No audio)


Original 4k Viideo at bottom




ok, I know I should have said this before, but I'm not enjoying the loooong focus on this cartoon stuff. Are you bringing something else?


This is a result of my computer dying and not being able to render my other style i can only do it a few times with out everything over heating and shutting down, i don't have enough money or support to re build or fix it unfortunately. This toon style doesn't tax the system as hard is one of the main reasons for this change so unless i win the lottery or get a ton of support randomly its gonna be this for a while. Pretty much out of my hands currently this is the best i can do with out stopping completely.

Pickle Surprise

Sorry to hear about your computer frying :/ I feel the pain when it comes to rendering HQ render passes. 4k stuff makes my computer sound like a jet haha. Hope you find a method to your issue soon! I do like a lot of these cartoon renders, but some I guess feel like they fit less than others. I liked this one, but the cartoon render makes it look like one of those weird animated cartoon porn gif ads xD Good stuff


as long as i get to make content for you guys im good thats why im going with this instead of just stopping 100% i mean this toon shader is not that bad and im always improving it lol


Yeah, sorry to hear about that too. I guess I missed the explanation to the reason for these before. Thanks for letting me know.


Yeah its the main reason i always did 720p and 1920 x 1920 square images cant really go beyond it without overheating and shutting down.