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Yeah so if you guys want to see different characters posed up with each other  put it in the community tab /  message me or reply to this post, 

If you have 2D images of what pose you want send that to.

I have most of these overwatch models (Female) so that's not a problem.

Example of what i'm talking about are below




I'm aware that the futanari conga line idea/pose set with multiple character isn't possible rendering with your current computer, but it'd still at least be nice to see Jessie sticking her pole into Tsunade, or vise-versa somehow. :P


i can render them with an experimental build of blender using CPU it just takes 3 hrs instead of 10 mins, is also why i made this post normally i wouldn't do this because i know some people would want 50 characters in a scene lol


Where can I find works with your characters in them? Thanks