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All of my models are going to be leaked soon, so if you guys can’t pay or don’t want to pay for them look out for this.

when he leakes them on whatever site i’ll post the links here.




Old man shrug.jpg these days i'm to tired to fully Engage with this kind of stuff.


What is this guy's problem? Black mailings you like this? Using a fake name on top of it all.


Is your payment system set to upfront or, monthly?


It's both if you join now it will take $10 and the at the first of the month it takes $10 again, this is default and cannot be changed ( as far as i know ) it warns you 3 times before you do it.


That's fucked up


Real or fake, that dude's fucking cracked.


i love your "whatever dude attitude" but are you really ok with this


My models are leaked all the time there is nothing i can do about it, once your stuff is out on the internet its out forever. Life is to short to deal with trolls and scammers that's why i just block or ignore and sometimes make a post like this so other people can get entertainment.


this is wrong and I am not ok with this


Thanks i appreciate your effort, id say to not let it consume a lot of your time.


Wtf did this guy do to fuck up 190$, the only way i can see this happening is he hit the 10$ patreon and went into a coma for 19 months. and lol trying to blackmail leaking your models, At best its not gonna make you lose money but make you feel shit Worst Case people feel bad for Endless and give him more money lol


Didn't even think of that last part but yea this can actually be good lol i'll eventually make 100 more models so he have to Join and leak constantly also xD


all artist it working hard to create something but if he really get charge for 190$ it should have bill with e-mail to him/her atleast. also did he didn't know Patreon have system to pause support if you don't have fund. in this case i assume this as user error didn't check mail and stuff and didn't know how Patreon works also before click on pldge it already write this is paid per month so he/she will get charge per month doesn't like pay per post or work something like that.


Since I definitely know where to get paid content for free, don't let that scare you and take it as free publicity. Most of the time people are like "oh shit wat dis" and you gain patrons or followers at worst. When the free fap stash is empty the lurkers are gonna come for more eventually.


Piracy always happens anyway, keep up with your SFM models to continue supporting you :D


So were they published?