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Most computer problems i ever had in my entire life 4+ days straight everything is getting fixed then broken again then corrupted etc LOL

Everything is i'm finally back to normal now
i'm 100% off of windows and on fully on linux Mint now
everything that doesn't work in wine works in VM ware so i'm good i can make Thicc

almost done with Ninja wife should be out soon. 


Fat Shisno

I prefer ubuntu


how's Zbrush performance in Linux? do you use Wine for Zbrush?


I use VM ware 14, i seen on the wine post that it can run but i haven't gotten it to (im using Mint 18.3 i would use 19 but vm dosent work for me on that) The speed as far as i can tell is 99% the VM has 20 gigs of ram and 8 cores, one thing id' like to do is get GPU passthrough working.