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Looking for someone to port these finished models.

Models are Rigged in Blender using Auto rig pro.

Can't link to any model images here since this is a public post,

might get banned lol.




I wish I knew how/ had the patience to try. But blender is so much better in terms of quality that I've abandoned sfm


Yeah it would be better if everyone just used blender its way better. I've been asking people why are they using outdated SFM from 2003 and what i got was " from what i Understand people who use SFM are lazy and don't want to learn blender because it's to hard and SFM is easy "


Tried to work blender almost broke my computer in frustration XD


No joke when cycles first came out i attempted to render something and the PC caught on fire i have 2 people that can verify my story.


I offered you that once and would still like to do so. But now i am busy with my own commissions^^' Sorry for this not useful reply but if you ever want port your models to Xnalara i am in. Or maybe i fully switched to Blender by then :D Good luck on your search!


Actually SFM isn't really that out dated, it was a bit update just awhile ago now or from the way the display start screen looks now. Just replying to some of the early comments in which that were said among here, and also I know how to do porting. Took me forever with the XPS but I got that down somewhat now, and even the blender to. I'd be happy to apply for this part time gig and display a bit of my porting skill, if anything I'd be happy to do just a small video so that you can see if I am good at it or not. Or show a few models that I had port to sfm from blender


I need to have all the features a normal port to SFM would have "Flexes" i think they call it, you may want to dl a free model to see if you can work with the rig (auto rig pro) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/18579535">https://www.patreon.com/posts/18579535</a> this is not the most updated rig but its the only free "up to date" model.


I'll be sure to send a small video showing that its within sfm, besides that I'll get onto it and try finishing it today. And send it to you through message


LONG STORY. But short though, I should be done with the model either today or tomorrow Sorry for the long wait...your still wanting a sfm porter correct