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Somewhat took a small break  for a month xD with no model downloads

i'm back now tho things that got done:

1. Progress on commission models.

2. Re research realflow to make sure i want to use it ( and i do i saved all my settings and templates this time so i don't have to set it up each time)

3. Switch back to redshift and Nuke for rendering animations.

my thinking was yea it takes me 3 days to render a 200 frame animation but i only do it once in a while right now,

when i start putting them out like weekly then that's the time to render them in real time or just get enough funds to buy 4 gtx 10 whatever and build a rendering pc xD.

4. Research and nearly perfected new weight painting system ( models bend better )

5. finnaly  got hard ops for blender and figured out how to use it so i can make this upcoming content easy ( Mecha Musume )

6. Got New Mainline OC Replacement for Jane to match my scifi themes better ( Jane wont go away i'll still upgrade her model in the future )


she won't look 100% like this, just a mock up.

As you guys can see the patreon is struggling pretty hard with 30+ people leaving each month,  if you can send links out or tell your friends about what i do here would be much appreciated. 

That's about all for now catch ya later.

edit Also alot of starbound is being played 




Its ok!


We all need rest bud. You'll find your flow. Your one of the most dedicated artists I follow. Do what you need to do for you!


Thanks man, with the mass number drops i'm feeling lost don't know what to do here, i didn't really change anything but tons of people leaving at once.