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Hey everyone. As the title suggests, I've been sitting on quite a bit of content lately that got pushed to the wayside when we finally cleared E12S. This includes some Savage reclear videos as well as a bunch of Terraria footage. I've been a bit overwhelmed trying to think of how to pace myself with upcoming projects and just deciding how to fill the time until Endwalker without descending into a stress-filled spiral. In any case, just wanted to prepare you all 'cuz I'm about to kick things off soon :)



Out of curiosity, is there going to be a Diamond Weapon video?


Looking forward to the Terraria content. That game was a sanity saver for me this last year.


I'm looking forward to it! Thank you all for your hard work!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-10 18:02:12 Really love all of your content (went into a HUGE channel deep dive of watching ALL of your past videos when I discovered your channel some weeks ago), so I am sure all of us will DEVOUR everything you throw at us with delight :) <3 Please be kind to yourself and I hope you find a lot of quality life with your lovely family in between video things!
2021-06-03 15:54:32 Really love all of your content (went into a HUGE channel deep dive of watching ALL of your past videos when I discovered your channel some weeks ago), so I am sure all of us will DEVOUR everything you throw at us with delight :) <3 Please be kind to yourself and I hope you find a lot of quality life with your lovely family in between video things!

Really love all of your content (went into a HUGE channel deep dive of watching ALL of your past videos when I discovered your channel some weeks ago), so I am sure all of us will DEVOUR everything you throw at us with delight :) <3 Please be kind to yourself and I hope you find a lot of quality life with your lovely family in between video things!