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A bit of a rant on what I'd like to see from the community and what standards I set for myself going into the new expansion.


Going into Stormblood

Let's get talkin'. Twitter @drakanous twitch.tv/drakanous patreon.com/drakgamestein facebook.com/drakgamestein Merch! https://teespring.com/stores/drakgamestein



About half way through the video but gotta' say.. Thank you. You've hit the nail on the head about criticism of content. As a game dev I can 100% support that saying content is good or bad doesn't help devs if you don't tell us what about the content was good or bad. More information is always, always better. Now back to the video..


*long comment incoming, I apologize Drak*


*Bit of a rant* 28 minutes in length... I feel like I got video baited by Drak. But good video none the less, definitely something that needs to be brought and addressed about the community with criticism. About Casual/Raiders/etc: While no one should be a total dick about criticism, it's really one of the few ways to get it across. If I tell someone "Hey do X because it's better", online talking is usually lost with context. I could be saying that in the nicest way but still come off a dick. I have had a few instances where a nice comment of “Could you please use X” “YOU DON’T PAY MY SUB” …while I totally get the “you don’t pay my sub” comment. I do pay for a sub and I value my time while playing, so I try to be efficient. Wasting my time is also wasting my sub, and because of that you are playing my sub basically. The problem and viewpoint of the raiding scene from the POV of casual/midcore folks is that “Oh hardcore ruins games because they keep tuning content to hardcore players, and they are a vocal minority.” I totally agree about Gordias, I think that A3S was way overtuned, compared to A1S-A2S. And it is difficult to really say “This needs to be nerfed” but then Creator being too easy, but how? The “impossible to please” folks are spread out over many different smaller communities. The hardcore, midcore, casual, etc. all have those types of people, and what happens when you overtune? Midcore/Casual gets upset. Undertune? Hardcore get upset. Tuned just right? Hardcore gets mad, Midcore whine that it might be too difficult; Casual gets left in the dust. Not everyone can do it, and it takes time: But people need to learn how to take criticism. It’s going to happen, and in turn we need to be able to provide better communication to others as well. Being able to agree to disagree is a great thing; you can disagree with someone’s comment and still like them. Sometimes it can be difficult to justify their point; I know personally how that feels. I can’t really explain to a MCH main why MCH is a damn difficult job to play. Or when I say “I suck at tanking” people just laugh it off. I can’t justify why tanking is difficult for me, I just don’t pick up on it. I suck at MCH, and probably won’t get any better at it. I can’t explain why, but I know I’m bad at it. Square Enix has a rare gem on their hands with Yoshi-P. He doesn’t have to do the live letters; he doesn’t have to “leak” screenshots to us during that. He doesn’t have to answer tons of questions and deal with the community’s BS but he does. He does it because he’s like us; he wants us to have fun. He’s the only producer of an MMO that I know that puts his face out there and is interactive on the forums, or just honestly fucking busts his ass to make sure the game is fun for him as well. I will always respect Yoshi-P as a developer/Producer even if FFXIV takes a nosedive. Dude did work and turned a pile of turd into the 2nd highest subbed MMO around.


I apologize for the wall of text. It's been on my mind for a long time now...


It feels like you hit your stride about two thirds of the way in, and at that point it's the easy conversational style I think you were going for. I know you probably don't want to do yet another take but I wanted to let you know the lead-in probably isn't as attention grabbing as it could be, because you're kind of getting into your groove, but when you get there you're making clear strong points and not fumbling as much with the ideas you're trying to frame. I'm just worried people may tune out before the video reaches that point? If they're not as invested as the rest of us. Overall it's good, I like the open call for discussion and hope the earnestness comes across and people don't try to troll the hell out of this. I have encountered some pretty nasty, bored endgamers recently. :/


just finished watching the video, definitely alot of good points made. i can agree that criticism is good ONLY if its constructive, and not just mindlessly bashing a person/thing just to bash them. the same could be said with the game and its content, you like/dislike a piece of content like Gordias*tips hat to those who cleared it on content* why/why not, so the developers know and can improve the game in a better way. unfortunately as Drak mentioned there's just no pleasing some people, i for one LOVE this game cause as an avid WoW player from Vanilla beta till Legion, this game does ALOT right that many of the other MMO's are still not doing or doing incorrectly, while the story and storytelling of FFXIV has me "Hook, Line and Sinker*in Roadhog voice*, and dat voice acting(JP) :)", things like casual content difficulty and jus the sheer amount of content that comes on a fixed patch schedule(being only a few of the MANY examples i can think of off the top of my head) is a HUGE plus so i'm really looking forward to SB, and i hope ppl appreciate that stuff like that isn't easy as all to do , time and resources and all that, so if u wanna complain about stuff in the game to the devs, list them out and be constructive so they can give us wht we want.


sry for the long rant/comment, and sry if i sidetracked or went off-topic at times


I know what you mean about the opener but without editing every other intro I did fell flat. There was no way to transition it into the rest of what I wanted to say. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the next time, but this time around this is what worked to get the ball rolling.


I'm already dealing with the people you're talking about, though mostly due to their selective hearing and entitled rage >_>


I mean at least they're not doxxing you like they tried to do to my fc leader... Good luck Drak! You knew the salty old warts would make am appearance.